Monday, June 27, 2005

where the wolves fuck

first Vukojebinan [one from where the wolves fuck] revenant:
"this is mhah veydeeoh mahsheen
i've been masturbating since the fort knox wored off,
and i hold it in my nose, sniff, my veydeeoh is cleen;
i am returned to this deevice:
i have beecuhm pyuur ainrgee!
oh the enjels of the recthum and the naked of the priests,
the many parts of breakfast and the gadje-killing yeast (???????)"

The Orphean Orphan, snailed to the wood by the po-po, carves this Mosaic into a diddling tree, an old Georgian girl, syas into her heaving chest, "Miss Rhodes," an "Erica lost in the Orthodocks,"

"and my soldiers carried (and carry to today) chrisantanmums and impatiens to them along a whebby zig of vain thornstalks, our cat wriggling at the ivy, the impatiens stood then cold at her handlight, fresh and immortal as the bodies of doves. all of these things, not many, from my love or to a love, from a gibbon-cloud, from her highest pocus, her lewdest locus, oh spot that i tend."

Second Cesium Orhpan:

"the pot that spat soil and shat soiled. quoth arender: the bhoot lillies drip down old liver Livonia, her spread liber springs past the lids lips, the rutting hybrid raises an antler chromium knife and your nude effigy flitters in the wake of his windy jiggle."

Effagrammatic SheTree:

">]=O >[=O [stretches arms]

O=X0=< [holds breath]

LL__I_O O_I__ll [exa-hales while kicking legs]"


"ay widdled me a widow! her waist, her aphids. a whole bunch of fun-mighty chondrities! the list of names glueming Umey, How that mountain got there! Now mountains arise, permit me to kill, her oinkhment on a single pond-lillied finger!"

(a beginning)

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