Saturday, August 06, 2005

Antiquities- revision

Be still
listen for the sigh
like breeze rousing dawn
too soon after you held my head
drunk with passion in your dream,
my hair spilling into your hands
like electricity filling the line
between our worlds.

Then go softly into the steel gray rain
of days spent waiting,
hollow aching drift of time muddled,
set against raging seas of emotion,
ebb and flow.


Unknown said...

ginger are you open for an edit on the second stanza?

Unknown said...

Absolutely, if it's stated in a positive manner.

Unknown said...

Then go softly into the steel gray rain
of days spent waiting,
hollow aching drift of time muddled,
set against raging seas of emotion,
ebb and flow.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Didi, the help is appreciated. Will revise with this in mind.

Unknown said...

It's amazing how a poem can be transformed. You took the unecessary out, rearranged the enjambments and it made this one. Thanks again.