Friday, July 08, 2005

the *chercher* of true reach

affinity's a pose you won't recall
until time
closes. you will pine
for rubbings of the metropo-
indulgent with fluidity and sparks,

when summer's tiptoe will be bracketed
for minds to lift above and triple
headway. at the time of sleep, fictitious
steeples form line segues
left in park. a perp-
estrangement codifies emotive glyphs made taut
from sea to shawl. the roadway dawn-
blanched forms to lingua blanc-
half-capsized via thought of envy
snipped from rope and left away.

you will be dormed in feathery
commingling until each pillar
thins into a spray of high sea
equaling homespun reality.

then dream will move the way
a moment drapes across still pale
chemise removed as eye feast
and contralto poise traverse
taxonometric beeline left
of centricle to be.

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