Sunday, September 04, 2005

Fantasy Poem


A whisper against sand
is only time shared between
strangers, the sky witness to
a slow swell, the pattern of your
hands on skin, drawn breath.

Heat rises, we have always known
this. Stars milk the sky and I see it in your eyes,
closed; it escapes from your open mouth.
The boil of the sea keeps cadence, your
ocean a blind leap, ascent into depth.

There are places to go at times like these,
when the present blends into memory
and desire is a silent companion. He flips
the index cards and I choose my poison.
No, you say.


Pris said...

I love this!!!

Unknown said...

Do you have the ability to record this? What you will need is a microphone (many computers already come with one) and if you download this program, Audacity (google it please, it is free), it will be a cinch of cake. Could you do that please? I like your poem for the show I am putting together.

Thank you,

CSOC said...

Great work Ginger. Good Luck

Erin said...

this is gorgeous Ginger! Congratulations again!