Thursday, September 08, 2005

Dobie Gillis

Dobie Gillis is dead. He seems to have been a nice enough man. And he could always get a giggle from televiewers.
But an icon?

He reminds me of Alfred Newman (of "what me worry?" fame), a perfect image of innocence -- and cultural vacuity. Gilligan's Island, along with hours and years of empty sitcoms, put America to sleep. Maynard Krebs sanitized beatniks -- when we were in deparate need of nasty, smelly poets. Michael Moore is as close as we get these days.

Dobie Killis died just as Katrina waked up the narcolepsy-inducing media. Let's see if NBC can stuff consciousness back in the box.


Unknown said...

Chuck Maynard G. Krebs is dead (Bob Denver) the first and only as far as I am concerned TV Beatnik. He studied the part by hanging out at coffee shops.


Lorna Dee Cervantes said...

Hey! Don't knock Bob. (sigh)

RIP - Thinker

~ EverAbeat

Lorna Dee Cervantes said...

Hey! Come to think of it -
Don't knock Michael, either. (sigh)
