Thursday, December 08, 2005

Self Portrait of a Friend

The portrait is brown,
shades of rust and earth,
and the shape of a face
that has not remembered itself.

The woman I know has a voice
clean as a magnolia bloom,
hands with the names of friends
lacquered over the pearl polish.

Upon a charcoal ocean
where dreams are webbed in froth
and roll wave upon wave,
she sets a wreath of lilies

to decorate mermaids' hair
and sweeten the salt-laden water.
She is a spectrum of colour,
radiant in the spray, adrift
between sun and sea.

*a poem inspired by Pris' self portrait.


nancy said...

Some great lines in here, Rae. I really liked, "the shape of a face that has not remembered itself," "a charcoal ocean," and "adrift between sun and sea." I can feel these phrases. Good job.


Pris said...

Hi Rae
I was away yesterday and so just saw this posted here. I love the poem. It still amazes me that you wrote it spur of the moment.