Saturday, December 17, 2005

Petunia Street

If you draw a house here it will show up here.


Pris said...

I see you have more! This was fun. Jacquie's house was especially fine and I liked Michelle's idea, too! A grown up tree house!


Michelle M. Buchanan said...

Pris yours is great too. Yeah, Jacquie is pretty good with drawings. Takes some patience. I think all the ones up there are neat, so different. I almost want to do another one, if my hand wouldn't cramp up! I'm on a laptop so it's all finger work =)

Unknown said...

My son Alex drew the chicken. YOu can't have a decent neighborhood nowadays with a killer chicken. Lets just face it.


David said...

my house has the most trees.

it also features his and her garages, but that's another story.