Friday, December 09, 2005

After a Shower

Across from me…mirror
we touch
the finger streaked glass
visitor greets prisoner

and it must be me
trapped in the locked side
of the smooth surface
because the clean shaven man

that stares back
has no past nor future
only the look in his eyes
of the absence we’ve become.

DQ 12/07/05


nancy said...

I love this - but then, I like almost all the stuff I've read of yours. I especially like the first stanza, "visitor greets prisoner". Great image. And the last line, "only the look in his eyes of the absence we've become." To be cliche' - been there, done that.

nancy said...

hey - that was my comment that was deleted. i made a typo and didn't catch it.
anyway, good work, diego.


CSOC said...

Thanks a Mill Nancy- I am glad you enjoyed it.