Friday, September 29, 2006

bush league

georges silver spoon
brought him the texas rangers
which was perhaps his only real job
before the presidency

all those awols
in the national guard
don't count because
he had connections

when he sold the rangers
he stripped the team (Corky Sosa)
and made a big profit on that stadium
the people of texas bought

george is now a legend
in his own mind
small legend since the acreage on the G.W.B. mindranch
is infinitesimal

george yesterday complained about leaks
that might skew the election
guess he forgot about
his own administrations use of leaks

george yesterday made some statements
about bin laden and his killing agenda
guess he forgot about
his own killing agenda

george has made us all ugly americans
to a point and width we've never been before
guess that's the best he could do
with a bigger expenditure than ever before

george, do us a favor
go hunting
with cheney

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