Tuesday, November 07, 2006

New Moon

(after Laurel, who wrote a poem after Lorna, who wrote a poem after me, who wrote a meme poem after Dorothy)

That night after the theater,
me and me crossed lives
a second apart. Tick.
I knew the tin man’s chest
would always be hollow. Tock.

You would find out years later.

We were in my car, the top was down,
I saw the moon pedaling
the sky in slow motion.
She sliced a yellow path
through the canopy of clouds,
her crescent edges sharp as hunger pains.
She was young and thin and her face
made mine glow like a moan.

I was falling.

Falling like a glass kite
on the sky's black painted bricks.
Lava flowed around my pelvis.
My skin burned like a witch.
I saw your dark mane swooping
up my chest, your anklet’s bells
reminisced of Pink Floyd’s “Money”
while your leg stretched below
the glove compartment.

You asked me if I loved you.

I said Yes.

Tick. If the moon’s crescent edge
had sliced my silver can,
instead of clouds,
you would have known the truth
much sooner. Tock.

DQ 11/7/06


Lyle Daggett said...

"...her crescent edges sharp as hunger pains.
She was young and thin and her face
made mine glow like a moan."


"Falling like a glass kite
on the sky's black painted bricks."

Just lovely, keros. Reading this I feel a wind over my limbs while my body heat rises. It carries me away.

I also like it that this is part of a chain of poems, people writing poems after each other.

CSOC said...

Hi Lyle. I have to agree with you, I think the chain of Poems is a very cool thing, and shows how one writer can find inspiration in the words of another.
In a small way, it is also a tribute to the infectious power of the meme, which oddly enough, started the first poem.

The chain kind of reminds me of the ancient Japanese form of Renga, which after morphing through out the centuries gave birth to the now popular Haiku. Renga poets "linked" to each others poems by one word, and developed a totally different poem from it.

Thanks for reading-

LKD said...

I love the pause between the tick and the tock.

And I love that glass kite.

And that line about the skin burning like a witch is just damned good.

Thanks for posting this. I've been trying to come up with a response to keep the chain going for days now. Maybe today is the day a poem will fall out of my head.