Tuesday, December 05, 2006

And the winner is

Everyone that posted a poem below this thread in the Aubade challenge. Email me your address. These were beautiful and I think I enjoyed reading these the most of any challenge I have ever done.



666poetry-finchnot said...

drum roll please . . . .

didi you sure know how
to keep people on pins & needles

i'm so curious so / see

such a wonder ful selection
of writing / / /

CSOC said...

Finchy I think the post says: and the winner is everyone that posted a poem...

oh cool my verification word is a palindrome "oexeo"

666poetry-finchnot said...

oh geez / i guess i can't read very well

lol / i read /
everyone that posted a poem below this thread in the aubade challenge , email me your address / / /

oh silly me . . .

so hard to see those little dots also known as periods . . .

i got: gxfzooxz

Unknown said...

I am losing my period.

I am starting to get hot flashes.


666poetry-finchnot said...

LOL @ didi

there should be a club or some thing
for hot flash es

these days its / am i over dress ed
or is it just a "hot flash"


possibly both . . .

CSOC said...

uhmm, ah...I am strangely aroused.