Monday, May 08, 2006

Among Other Organs

Among Other Organs

I’m not waiting up.
I’ve already confused lust

for dusk more than once.
My eyes, among other organs,

are old and tired.
There’s nothing ironic

about the phone’s silence.
If you tell a person to fuck

off, they usually do. I’m not
waiting for you. The midnight train

has already cut the night in two.
Through the screen, wafts honey-

suckle and clematis. Darkness
smells so sweet, I have to shut

the window. I’m not waiting
up. I took an allergy pill.

If the phone rings,
I’ll be asleep, dreaming

of pollination. Bees don’t fly
at night. Neither should husbands.

If someday I pass you on the street,
forgive me if I say nothing.


666poetry-finchnot said...

god i love this

your writing always hits me
right here / points to chest

my word verification is
mrfruzib (with out the space)

i wonder who mr fruzib is?



JC said...

laurel, your recent poems have been esp good. i think there's a confidence in them.

Tara said...

Hi Laurel

This is damn near perfect.


Sara Kearns said...

This is beautiful. No missteps and a lot of better-than-right ones. Great title that would have a reader beg to get into the poem. It has all the accompanying images to cut the reader like "the midnight train... in two," and uses the senses to its bittersweet purpose ("wafts honey/suckle and clematis") painfully-wonderfully. Bravo.