Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Any way to post single-spaced?

Didi or anyone else,

I posted a poem for the "flim-flam / flivver" thing, but didn't like the way it looked with double spaced lines, so I deleted the post.

(In general I don't think poetry works well double-spaced, other than individual exceptions here and there that are done for special effects. I write all of my poems single-spaced. Spacing is an important issue with poems because it can affect the overall flow and movement and sound of a poem when you read it.)

I couldn't figure out how to make the lines single-spaced. It looks the formatting is defaulting to double spacing. Is there a way to get around the default formatting and change the lines to single spaced when you're posting?

Thanks --

****** Update -- problem solved. See poem posted above. If you're trying to figure out how to post with single-spaced lines, see the comment by David in the comment box for this post. (Thanks, David.)


David said...

Lyle, you should be able to force single spacing for an individual post by enclosing your text with the folowing:

< P style="line-height: 1.0;" >POST GOES HERE.< /P >

those tags won't work in the comment area, so i can't tell for sure if it works here, but i have a similar setup on my blog and it works for me.


Lyle Daggett said...

David, thanks for the suggestion and code. I'll give it a try.

Pris said...

First of all, thanks to David for that tip. I see it worked.

and I love that poem, Lyle. Kudos! You got those words in seamlessly and the poem is just top dollar.

Lyle Daggett said...

Thanks, Pris.